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Are Bulldogs good indoor dogs?

【Expert answer】
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Dogs Who Would Be Happy in an Apartment While you might think a pooch of a certain breed is adorable, he might need a lot more space than you have available in your urban apartment. English bulldogs, however, generally do wonderfully with apartment life.

Is Bulldog good for home?

Bulldogs can adapt well to apartment life and even make great companions for novice pet parents. They're affectionate with all members of the family and are fairly low-maintenance pups.

How much room does a bulldog need?

Hence, a small space would be a perfect fit for them. Bulldogs are energetic dogs but can be a pleasant idea for apartments. They are considered as one of the best guard dogs but need relatively minimal space and exercise. With an average height of 12 inches, it is a good pet option if you are living in an apartment.

Is it cruel to get Bulldog?

Birth defects, such as flat chests, have led to high puppy mortality. A skeletal disorder common to the breed causes high rates of hip dysplasia. Bulldogs' wrinkly faces beget acne and eye problems. Their underbites often mean dental troubles.

Do Bulldogs like to cuddle?

Bulldogs Are Lovers They love to stay close, follow you around the house, and snuggle up next to you. They instinctively know to approach children with patience and passivity.

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