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Are potatoes and carrots different?

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Carrots are root vegetables; potatoes are tubers. Carrots are not as starchy as potatoes. They're also sweeter; regular potatoes don't taste sweet.Why are carrots considered vegetables while potatoes aren't?Both potato and carrot grow below the soil. What is the main .Which is different, tomato, potato, carrots or broccoli?Besides potatoes, what vegetables is it feasible to have e.g. .Другие результаты с сайта www.quora.com

What is the difference between carrot and potato?

Carrot is a root modification and potato is a stem modification. Both have become swollen to perform the function of storage of food. Internal structure of carrot resembles a typical root of dicots. Structure of potato tuber resembles that of a dicot stem.

What's healthier carrots or potatoes?

Because carrots are a root, they're lower in sugar and carbs than tuber vegetables like potatoes. One medium (61-gram) raw carrot provides ( 2 ): Calories: 25. Protein: 1 gram.

Is carrot A potato or vegetable?

Root vegetables have long been enjoyed as a delicious part of a healthy diet. Defined as an edible plant that grows underground, potatoes, carrots and onions are a few common examples that most are familiar with.

Is a carrot a fruit or potato?

This is an easy one—carrots are definitely vegetables, not fruits. Like potatoes, carrots are a type of root vegetable. The greens of the plant are edible, but carrots are grown for the bright orange (or purple, or white, or yellow) taproot growing underneath.

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