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Can I Groom my Dog at home?

【Expert answer】
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It might take a while for you and your dog to get comfortable with home grooming, and that's OK. But, if you feel a professional groomer is what your furry friend needs, choose a local groomer who comes highly recommended, preferably a mobile grooming service that can groom your dog at home if available. 2 янв. 2019 г.

Is it worth grooming your dog at home?

Good grooming will help your dog look and feel his best. Routine grooming sessions also allow you to examine your dog's coat, teeth, eyes, ears, and nails for signs of problems. How often you need to groom your dog depends on his size, breed, and type of coat.

How difficult is it to groom your own dog?

Grooming can be stressful – even painful if hair gets pulled – so it's really no wonder that some dogs react badly to the whole experience. There are many products out there to help calm your dog's nerves during a grooming session, including Pet Natural's Calming Chews for Dogs.

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