3, 4 This compound can be obtained by extraction from rose bushes, citrus or ripe fruits of Capsicum annuum L. or, alterna- tively, can be synthetically .
Plantain is completely non-toxic to cats, so if yours takes a bite, it should not be a cause for alarm. If your cat seems to like plantains, simply give them just a small amount as a treat. About a (...)
5 Ways to Help Your Dog Have a Good Experience at the Groomer's Take him to go potty before going in. . Walk confidently with him from your car into the shop. . If he is nervous, do not codd (...)
You need to eat a lot of solanine to get sick While solanine is present in trace amounts in normal-looking potatoes, a 200-pound person would need to eat 20 pounds of not-green potatoes in a single (...)
Even if your kitty never goes outside, there's a good chance that members of the household come and go daily. Having a dog in the same home could bring back a parasite such as a roundworm after a w (...)
The answer is: yes!Strawberries are among the fruits that dogs can safely enjoy. As omnivores, dogs benefit from many different fruits and vegetables for the same reasons humans do: these foods are (...)