Fleas can carry tapeworm eggs and your cat could accidentally eat such a flea while grooming his itchy skin. The most common worm is roundworms. These look like a white earthworm and can grow up to 10cm long.
Can fleas cause worms?
"Fleas are the intermediate host for the tapeworm, Dipylidium caninum." Consequently, tapeworms are more common in environments that are heavily infested with fleas. It is recommended to treat your cat for fleas if tapeworms are noted, and use flea control to prevent future flea infestations and tapeworm infections.
Do flea larvae look like worms?
Larva - When they hatch from eggs, flea larvae look like tiny worms about 2-5 mm long with a whitish body and pale colored hairs. They feed primarily on flea dirt, which is the blood-filled feces that adult fleas excrete after taking a blood meal.
Can fleas cause worms in humans?
Fleaborne parasites, such as tapeworms can spread to people and animals if they accidentally swallow an infected flea. Small children are at a higher risk than adults, as they may spend more time close to the floor and carpeted areas where fleas are found.
Can fleas cause maggots?
The Life Cycle of a Flea Once the flea egg hatches, a larva is born, it's actually a tiny maggot (yep, quite probably in your bed). That flea maggot doesn't like the light so it finds it's way to places that are dark. Places like deep in your carpeting, under and in your furniture, bedding and along the baseboards.