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Do Saluki make good pets?

【Expert answer】
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Salukis are quiet at home, extremely gentle with children, and good with other dogs. They make adequate watchdogs, but miserable protection dogs. Salukis must get a chance to run, and run hard, every day. Given this chance, they are moderately obedient, as long as they happen to want the same thing you want.

Can Salukis be aggressive?

Generally quiet but alert, he's a good watchdog, but not a guard dog. Salukis are fearless in the hunt but otherwise unaggressive.

Do Salukis like to cuddle?

They will sleep on your bed and sofa and they love to cuddle up to you. Salukis can be picky eaters, but also greedy so make sure that you don't leave anything on the kitchen worktops.

Are Salukis affectionate?

Dog owner clubs describe the Saluki as having a shy and quiet personality with a low bark and calm demeanour. Despite this they are deeply loyal to their owners and family members. Hammadi says: "They are loyal, affectionate and very intelligent dogs.

How often should you walk a Saluki?

Salukis have a great deal of energy and love to run! Your Saluki will need 2 lengthy walks every day. Historically, Salukis were bred to chase prey. Although they're domestic pets today, they still retain their hunter's instincts and can get distracted by small animals when they're out walking.

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