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How can worms affect pregnancy?

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Hookworms were also detrimental to fertility. They increased the age at which Tsimane women first gave birth and stretched the amount of time between pregnancies. As a result, the team calculated, a woman with hookworms would bear three fewer children in her lifetime than would a woman lacking the parasites.

Can having worms while pregnant harm the baby?

Threadworm infection during pregnancy is not known to put your unborn baby at any risk. Pregnant women may be able to avoid taking medicines to treat threadworms by using strict hygiene measures to clear themselves. Threadworms already in the bowel die within approximately six weeks.

What do you do if you have worms while pregnant?

There are two medications that are commonly used to treat worm infections and they are both available over the counter from a pharmacy. The generic names are Mebendazole and Pyrantel. Mebendazole is the first preference as studies in human pregnancy show no increase in adverse effects to the mother or fetus.

What kind of worm causes miscarriage?

This infection is caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii.

Can worms cause birth defects?

But if you get toxoplasmosis for the first time while you're pregnant, or a few months before you conceive, there's a small risk the infection could cause: miscarriage. stillbirth. birth defects or problems after the baby is born – this is very rare.

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