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How long should a dog take to eat their food?

【Expert answer】
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And how long should you wait to feed dog after exercise? In general, vets advise waiting at least 30 minutes before feeding your dog after a walk.

Why does my dog take so long to eat his food?

Stress will cause them to eat slower as they adapt. Dental issues can also cause slow eating, vaccinations or medications, an upset stomach, poor quality food, overfeeding/treating, and age.

Should dogs eat quickly?

Unfortunately, eating so quickly can be quite dangerous for our dogs. First, they can choke, which is obviously life-threatening. Gagging on their food will often result in vomiting and discomfort, as well. Second, eating quickly increases the risk of a serious medical condition called bloat.

Why doesn't my dog eat his food right away?

Your dog could be avoiding his food due to liver disease, infections, a blockage, tumor or kidney failure. If your dog isn't eating but seems otherwise fine, that's likely not the issue. However, if he doesn't start chowing down within 24 hours, it's time to seek medical help.

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