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How long should I walk my Saluki?

【Expert answer】
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Do Salukis like long walks?

Salukis have a great deal of energy and love to run! Your Saluki will need 2 lengthy walks every day. Historically, Salukis were bred to chase prey. Although they're domestic pets today, they still retain their hunter's instincts and can get distracted by small animals when they're out walking.

How do you exercise a Saluki?

Chasing their favourite ball or toy will keep your Saluki occupied for hours and, with any luck, they'll kick it around themselves for a while and give you a break. Or, take the toy with you on a walk and give your Saluki an even longer run! However, it's important that you play in a safe and secure area.

How do you exercise a Saluki puppy?

A Saluki playing in a small back yard will not get enough exercise to enable its muscles to develop well, or to stay fit. If you cannot provide safe, free running for him on a regular basis (weekly or biweekly), then take long walks or jog with your dog at least twice a week.

Can you run with a Saluki?

Running Miles: Salukis are sprinters rather than long-distance runners, but they can run with you for two to three miles if they are healthy and fully grown.

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