Eggs can't be the sole source of protein for your dog, as dog food contains other much-needed nutrients for any dog. Plus, since eggs are packed with protein, if your dog ingests too much it can lead to weight gain from too many calories consumed. In general, dogs shouldn't eat more than one egg per day.
Are eggs good for golden retrievers?
Golden Retrievers can safely eat eggs. They're a great source of protein because they're high in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids.
How many eggs for a dog per day?
Large dogs can safely consume up to one whole egg in a day while smaller dogs should be limited to one small egg per week, and no more than ¼ of an egg per day. Make sure to factor in the extra calories you're feeding—remember one egg is about 70 calories—and don't exceed your dog's daily caloric allowance.
How many eggs per week should a dog have?
In addition to their regular diet, you can serve them: One egg per week (small-sized dog) Two eggs per week (medium-sized dog) Three eggs per week (large-sized dog)
Can I give my dog an egg a day?
One egg a day for your dog is all that is recommended. If you want to introduce eggs to your dog's diet, add a cooked egg to their diet. Make sure it doesn't cause stomach issues like vomiting or diarrhea. If there are no problems, you can start giving them eggs more often.
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