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How often do you Deworm a nursing dog with pyrantel?

【Expert answer】
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All pregnant and nursing dogs and cats should also be dewormed with pyrantel every 2 weeks while housed in the shelter or foster care. For all other adult dogs and cats, a second dose of pyrantel is recommended 2-3 weeks after intake, if still in the shelter. 1 сент. 2015 г.

Is pyrantel safe for nursing dogs?

It is considered safe to use in nursing animals and should be used with caution (follow the dosing instructions carefully) in pregnant animals.

How often should I worm my lactating dog?

Pregnant and nursing mothers should also be treated at; time of mating, before birth of puppies, every two (2) weeks while lactating, and then every 3 months. Heavy worm infestation in puppies should be repeated 10 days after an initial dose is administered.

Can you deworm a nursing mother dog?

The majority of veterinarian-approved dewormers, or wormers, are safe to use on a nursing mama dog. Deworming her and her babies is the right thing to do, especially if she hasn't been getting or has missed monthly parasite prevention doses.

What Wormer is safe for nursing dogs?

We use two different deworming medications: Pyrantel and Panacur. Pyrantel is safe to use on puppies under 6 weeks of age and nursing dams.

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