Whether your dog is taking a shower or a bath, the water should be lukewarm, not very hot or cold. Cold shower water is as uncomfortable for a dog as it is for you, and hot water can inadvertently burn his skin.
To view the quick of the nail, gently lift your dog's paw and look at the center of the unclipped nail head-on. If the nail has a small dark circle at the center, it indicates the beginning of the (...)
If your pet consumed the chocolate less than two hours ago, your veterinarian may induce vomiting and give him several doses of activated charcoal, which works to move the toxins out of the body wi (...)
In addition to diarrhea, dogs with hookworms may have blood in their stools. Bloody diarrhea develops as the infection worsens and may cause chronic bloody diarrhea if left untreated. Blood loss is (...)
After 6 months of age, all cats (indoors or out) need to be protected from internal and external parasites seasonally or year-round, depending on risk factors and climate. Fecal examinations may mi (...)
Most vets agree it should be done somewhere between 6 months and 24 months of age, but that's a big window! The long answer is more nuanced, and it has everything to do with your dog as an individu (...)