A dog's digestive system is different from a human's. Typical human food is much too rich and fatty for a dog to properly digest; eating it can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and even more severe conditions like pancreatitis. Many human foods also contain an unhealthy amount of sodium for dogs.
A bland diet consists of foods that are easy to digest, are soothing to the digestive system and contain ingredients that help restore a solid stool. For dogs, it generally involves a boiled lean m (...)
Roundworm Treatment Many deworming drugs are safe and effective. They include fenbendazole, milbemycin, moxidectin, piperazine, and pyrantel. Your vet will give your dog one to three doses at first (...)
Under ideal conditions, this takes approximately four weeks. These infective larvae are able to survive in the environment for long periods of time and are particularly resistant to changes in temp (...)
Potatoes contain glycoalkaloids, a type of chemical compound found in members of the nightshade family that can be toxic if consumed in high amounts. Potatoes, particularly green potatoes, contain (...)
Немато́ды, или кру́глые че́рви, — тип первичноротых из группы линяющих. В настоящее время описано более 24 тыс. видов паразитических и свободноживущих нематод, однако оценки реального разнообразия, (...)