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Should I take worm medicine if my dog has worms?

【Expert answer】
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Once worms are suspected to be affecting your dog, seek veterinary guidance right away for an exact diagnosis and treatment regimen. De-worming medication is usually necessary, and in severe cases, your dog may need to be hospitalized for treatment and observation.

Should I take medicine if my dog has roundworms?

Roundworm Treatment Many deworming drugs are safe and effective. They include fenbendazole, milbemycin, moxidectin, piperazine, and pyrantel. Your vet will give your dog one to three doses at first, which will kill the adult worms.

Can you get worms from a dog that has worms?

The short answer is yes, many worms infesting dogs are zoonotic, meaning they can be transmitted from animals to humans. Different worms cause different diseases, and each have their own symptoms.

What are the chances of getting worms from your dog?

In most cases, a person has to ingest parasite-laden feces in order to contract worms from an animal. Good common sense and hygiene greatly reduces the risk, Weese said. “The risk is never zero,” Weese said, “but I'm not convinced it's any higher for a vet than someone that goes for a walk in the park.”

How do I know if I got worms from my dog?

An itchy rash at the point of penetration is the most obvious of the symptoms of a hookworm infection. Winding red trails may also be visible as the worm eats a path for itself under the skin. Severe cases may cause diarrhea, and can lead to weight loss and anemia.

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