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What Can dogs get from other dogs poop?

【Expert answer】
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Dog poop can transmit diseases to other dogs Intestinal parasites, like roundworms and hookworms, produce their vile offspring in their host's intestines. These are subsequently shed in the dog's feces, and left on the ground to be picked up by the next victim.

Can dogs get sick from other dog poop?

If your dog is making a meal out of another animal's poop, especially if they're of a different species, it could be cause for concern. Any time your dog eats feces of an unknown origin, they run the risk of contracting infectious diseases or parasites.

What happens if my dog licks another dog's poop?

You may be disgusted by coprophagia, but for a dog, eating his own poop is harmless. Eating another dog's or animal's poop—on the other hand—is riskier because those droppings may carry parasites, viruses, or toxins.

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