The color Greyish Green belongs to the color family Pastel Green. It is of a medium brightness and a low saturation. The color Greyish Green corresponds to the hex code #82A67D. In the additive (digital) color space RGB, it is composed of 51% Red, 65% Green and 49% Blue component.
What Colour is a greenish grey?
Greenish Grey Color Composition The color Greenish Grey belongs to the color family Pastel Spring Green. It is of a high brightness and a low saturation. The color Greenish Grey corresponds to the hex code #96AE8D. In the additive (digital) color space RGB, it is composed of 59% Red, 68% Green and 55% Blue component.
What is grey-green?
Definitions of grey-green. adjective. of green tinged with grey. synonyms: gray-green, grayish-green, greyish-green chromatic. being or having or characterized by hue.
What gray has green undertones?
Undoubtedly THE BEST gray with a green undertone is Revere Pewter, a warm, muddy gray with an earthy green undertone.
What color is green and gray mixed?
Tones bring down the intensity of a color, which often makes them look duller. When gray is mixed with green , it makes a dark, dull green that's sometimes described as “muddy.” It might not be an ideal type of green, but it's a unique version that can be used in designs to create a natural vibe.
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