10 Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat Chocolate. Chocolate contains a very toxic substance called methylxanthines, which are stimulants that can stop a dog's metabolic process. . Avocados. . Onions and Garlic. . Grapes and Raisins. . Milk and other Dairy Products. . Macadamia Nuts. . Sugary foods and drinks. . Caffeine.
What can and cant puppies eat?
Here are some safe human foods your puppy can eat: Peanut Butter Greek Yogurt Lean Proteins: Chicken & Beef. Apples Pasta Bread Watermelon Corn Rice Sweet Potatoes Everyone knows that when you're eating your favorite treats, your dog suddenly does the saddest “I'm so hungry!” face on the […]
What foods are allowed for puppies?
Human foods that are safe for dogs include:Carrots. Share on Pinterest Some human foods are safe for dogs to eat. ... Apples. Apples provide many important vitamins for dogs, including vitamins A and C. ... White rice. ... Dairy products. ... Fish. ... Chicken. ... Peanut butter. ... Plain popcorn.
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