21 июн. 2016 г. · When it comes to our dogs passing, there are plenty of articles out . you can almost always guarantee that their time is drawing near.
Паразити́зм — один из типов сосуществования организмов. Явление, при котором два и более организма, не связанных между собой филогенетически, генетически разнородных — сосуществуют в течение продол (...)
Dogs do not always show symptoms of worms, but if you notice any signs such as eating more than usual, poor coat quality, sickness or diarrhoea, or you see any worms in your dog's faeces or around (...)
Because of the high sugar content, bananas should be an occasional treat and should never be offered in place of a regular meal. A rule of thumb is large dogs can eat ½ of a banana a day, and small (...)
We recommend starting at 12-weeks of age. The very first grooming appointment is an introduction to the puppy and the owner to the world of grooming. The puppy with be introduced to a bath, blow dr (...)
Bird and bat droppings can contain germs that cause gastrointestinal illness with symptoms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. People can be infected if they inadvertently swallow the germs, usually (...)