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What is emerging zoonotic disease?

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Many viral pathogens causing emerging zoonotic infections in humans originated from animals (specifically wildlife) or from products of animal origin. Knowledge of extra-human reservoirs of these pathogens remains essential for understanding the epidemiology and potential control measures of these zoonotic diseases.

How do zoonotic diseases emerge?

A zoonotic disease can emerge as the result of increased human contact with the animal host(s), animal tissues, vectors, or environmental sources of the pathogens. It may also result from an increased prevalence of the agent in domesticated or wild animals or in vectors.

What is re emerging disease?

Reemerging diseases are diseases that reappear after they have been on a significant decline. Reemergence may happen because of a breakdown in public health measures for diseases that were once under control. They can also happen when new strains of known disease-causing organisms appear.

What are 3 types of zoonotic diseases?

Common zoonotic illnesses include:Rabies. Rabies is a disease that affects the nervous system of mammals. ... Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Lyme disease is transmitted through tick bites. ... Dengue, malaria, and chikungunya. ... Salmonella infection. ... E. ... Psittacosis. ... Other types.Zoonosis: Definition and diseases - Medical News Today

What are 2 examples of zoonotic diseases?

DiseaseOrganismPlagueYersinia pestisRabiesRabies virus and other lyssavirusesRift Valley feverRift Valley fever virusTickborne encephalitisTickborne encephalitis virus

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