The animals whose abuse is most often reported are dogs, cats, horses and livestock.
What dog is abused the most?
Pit bulls are the most abused and neglected dogs in the world. Today, they're the number-one breed admitted to and euthanized in many animal shelters.
Are cats the most abused animal?
Studies show cats are abused at higher rates than dogs or other domestic animals in almost every category of abuse — beating, throwing, mutilation, drowning.
What is the most abused dog breed 2020?
The Pit Bull is the most common dog breed (along with pit bull breed mixes) found in shelters in the United States. They are also the most abused, and the most euthanized.
Where is animal abuse most common?
Animals in Asia are among the most abused in the world. From bears captured and caged for their 'bile', to dogs and cats slaughtered in horrific ways for their meat, exploitation of animals in Asia is common and widespread.