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When can I Groom my Puppy for the first time?

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Once you've successfully acclimated your pup to all-around handling, at or around the 10-12 week mark, you can take her in for the first grooming session (often after the second round of shots). At the latest, the first grooming is recommended before 16-weeks of age. Your puppy’s first visit should be relaxing and fun. Lots of cuddles, treats, a gentle bath, dry and groom can be completed depending on how they react to each of the stages. We will always groom at your puppy’s pace. They are gently introduced to having their nails clipped, ears cleaned as well as the sound of the clippers and dryer.On the big day, when the puppy first arrives to be groomed, groomers should start by slowly introducing themselves to the little one by speaking in a soft, soothing voice, petting and cuddling the puppy and playing with them for a bit. By gaining their trust, the groomers enable the puppy to regard grooming as a fun, enjoyable experience.

When should you first cut your puppy's hair?

Generally, a puppy has its first haircut at around six months old. With a combination of regular grooming at home and sessions at your groomers, your puppy should be in tip-top shape for their first trim.

What age should I get my puppy groomed?

Puppies should generally be introduced to professional grooming when they are about 10 to 12-weeks-old as long as they have had their second injections. Once they're in the routine you'll then want to bring them every four to eight weeks depending on their breed.

How old should a puppy be to get groomed?

To get your puppy used to grooming, start grooming it as early as possible. Ideally, your puppy should be ready for a full grooming session by the time it’s 16 weeks old. Help it learn to enjoy grooming by offering rewards and treats before, during, and after each step of the process.

What should I expect at my first dog grooming appointment?

The very first grooming appointment is an introduction to the puppy and the owner to the world of grooming. The puppy with be introduced to a bath, blow drying, nail clipping, and slight trimming. We do not recommend having a puppy be given a full hair cut the first time being groomed.

Is a puppy’s first grooming a momentous occasion?

Still, a puppy’s very first grooming experience should be approached a certain way. Just like a child’s first haircut, a puppy’s first grooming is a momentous occasion that should be handled with care.

How do I get my Puppy ready for a grooming session?

Play with your puppy for several minutes before any grooming session. This not only introduces the routine, it also helps wear out your little basket full of energy before grooming. Establish a consistent location for grooming — a mat in the bathroom, a table in the kitchen, wherever it may be. A quiet, comfortable location will work best.

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