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Where does botulism come from in the body?

【Expert answer】
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Botulinum toxins are ingested through improperly processed food in which the bacteria or the spores survive, then grow and produce the toxins. Though mainly a foodborne intoxication, human botulism can also be caused by intestinal infection with C. botulinum in infants, wound infections, and by inhalation. 10 янв. 2018 г.

Where does botulism usually come from?

Foodborne botulism is often caused by eating home-canned foods that have not been canned properly. Commercially canned foods are much less likely to be a source of botulism because modern commercial canning processes kill C. botulinum spores.

Where is botulism found in the body?

Clostridium botulinum can be found normally in the stool of some infants. Infants develop botulism when the bacteria grow in their gut. Botulism may also occur if the bacteria enter open wounds and produce toxins there.

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