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Where is hookworm found?

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Introduction. Hookworm is an intestinal parasite most commonly found in tropical and subtropical climates worldwide, particularly in Africa, South East Asia, the Western Pacific, Latin America and the Mediterranean. 3 апр. 2012 г.

Where is hookworm most common?

Hookworm thrives in regions of extreme poverty with poor sanitation and affects some 740 million people worldwide. Developing nations with warm, moist climates, in regions like South America, South Asia and Southeast Asia, are most susceptible to the worm.

Where are hookworms found in the body?

Hookworms live in the small intestine. Hookworm eggs are passed in the feces of an infected person. If the infected person defecates outside (near bushes, in a garden, or field) or if the feces of an infected person are used as fertilizer, eggs are deposited on soil.

Where do hookworms come from?

How is hookworm spread? Hookworm eggs are passed in the feces of an infected person. If an infected person defecates outside (near bushes, in a garden, or field) or if the feces from an infected person are used as fertilizer, eggs are deposited on soil. They can then mature and hatch, releasing larvae (immature worms).

Are hookworms everywhere?

In the United States, zoonotic hookworms are found everywhere but more commonly along the East Coast than the West Coast. Worldwide, zoonotic hookworms are found in tropical and subtropical regions where the parasite is better able to survive because of environmental conditions.

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