Pit bulls were originally bred for bull baiting and dog fighting, and because of this heritage, they often show a tendency to attack other animals with a remarkable ferocity that may be contributing to public stigma against the breed.
What is the most mistreated dog breed?
Pit bulls are the most abused and neglected dogs in the world. Today, they're the number-one breed admitted to and euthanized in many animal shelters.
Why are pit bulls so misunderstood?
Today, pit bulls remain largely misunderstood because of irresponsible owners, sensationalist news stories, and the proliferation of myths. As a result, breed-specific legislation (BSL) has popped up in cities across the U.S. that either greatly restricts or completely bans pit bull dogs as pets.
Why pitbulls should not be pets?
They are the most exploited, abused, neglected, abandoned, tortured, raped, overbred and euthanized dogs in North America. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has been pushing for mandatory sterilization for pit bulls for many years to protect them from being born into these horrors in the first place.
How does PETA feel about pitbulls?
PETA supports a ban on breeding pit bulls and pit bull mixes as well as strict regulations on their care, including a ban on chaining them.