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Why do cats play with mice before killing them?

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Cats play with prey to subdue it before delivering a killing blow, which can be dangerous when hunting rodents. Mice and rats will fight to stay alive, usually by biting. This could be painful for a cat or spread disease. Playing with prey by batting or tossing it leaves small animals exhausted or injured.

Why is my cat playing with a mouse and not killing it?

Cats have a reputation for cruelty for one reason in particular: they have a tendency to play with mice and other prey until the victims are totally overcome with fear. "Cats are opportunistic hunters and must be ready to stalk and catch any prey they discover by chance — even if they're not hungry," Turner explains.

Do cats kill mice for fun?

Rather than for food, the domesticated feline might give chase to rodents for a variety of reasons, including: It's just fun! Cats love indulging their hunting instincts on a regular basis. It's good exercise, and it keeps them alert.

Why do cats play with their prey first?

Why do cats play with their prey? After catching their prey, you may witness your cat play or toy with it. Battersea suggests that this behaviour may be due to your cat trying to confuse the prey and tire them out, thus making it much easier to kill and reducing their chances of getting injured.

Why do cats love killing mice?

Because they're social creatures, cats might worry about human beings' rather underdeveloped hunting instincts, and by bringing dead animals, they may be trying to show us how it's done. Cats sometimes kill mice because they're feeling charitable and want to present their owner with a thoughtful gift.

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