Worming your Dog Puppies become infected with roundworms from their mother while in the uterus or through her milk. Pregnant bitches and bitches with young puppies should be wormed frequently.
Surprise, your dog can eat dried jackfruit, too! . Since healthy dried jackfruit is just made up of natural sugar, fiber, and water, most dogs can safely consume this treat. Also, most dogs will be (...)
Плодоро́дный полуме́сяц — условное название региона на Ближнем Востоке. Название является переводом английского термина «Fertile Crescent», введённого в научный оборот американским археологом Дж. Г (...)
Alaskan Malamutes are very challenging to train and live with. Without sufficient exercise and challenging things to do, Malamutes become rambunctious and bored, which they usually express by chron (...)
Roundworm is the common name for the ascarid that affects dogs, Toxocara canis. This parasite is extremely common in puppies, and treatment is relatively straightforward. As with other parasites, i (...)
Roundworms are extremely common parasites that spend their adult lives in the intestines of puppies, kittens, dogs, and cats. . Kittens do not become infected in utero, but they can become infected (...)