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Will an Alaskan Malamute Keep Your House safe?

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If you're looking for a watchdog, this is not the breed for you. A Malamute's size might scare off an intruder, but that's about the only protection you'll get out of them. Alaskan Malamutes do best in situations in which they have plenty of room and opportunities to exercise so they don't become bored and restless.

Are Alaskan Malamutes good house dogs?

Caring for your Alaskan Malamute. Malamutes can be great pets for very active households but be aware that the breed's large size, strength and stamina mean they're not the best breed for everyone. Malamutes shouldn't be left unsupervised with children, vulnerable or older people, especially as they're so energetic.

Are Malamutes protective of their owners?

Still the perfect Eskimo dog, this dog breed continues to protect people living in Alaska from wild animals. While they have a strong-willed and aggressive demeanor when protecting their families against animals, they are often excessively friendly when encountering humans.

Are Alaskan Malamutes good for protection?

Apart from sledding and general companionship, the Inuit tribesmen used these dogs to hunt seals, and a group of malamutes was formidable enough to stand guard against polar bears. Even though they were originally bred for work, most Alaskan Malamutes are now a family breed.

Why you shouldn't get an Alaskan Malamute?

Like any other dog breed, Alaskan Malamutes puppies are susceptible to a host of health problems when they grow up. Their large size puts them at risk for a few different joint issues. One of the most common is hip dysplasia. This condition happens when the hip joints become malformed.

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