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Can you eat too many bananas at once?

【Expert answer】
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But for a healthy person, "it would be impossible to overdose on bananas," says Collins. "You would probably need around 400 bananas a day to build up the kind of potassium levels that would cause your heart to stop beating. Bananas are not dangerous - and in fact they are, and always have been, very good for you." 13 сент. 2015 г.

How many bananas is too many?

Eating bananas becomes significantly risky only if you eat too many. The USDA recommends that adults eat about two cups of fruit a day, or about two bananas. If you eat dozens of bananas every day, there may be a risk of consuming excessively high amounts of vitamins and minerals.

What happens if you eat too many bananas at one time?

Eating too many bananas may have detrimental health effects, such as weight gain, poor blood sugar control, and nutrient deficiencies.

Is it OK to eat 8 bananas a day?

Bananas are super-healthy fruits, but as they say, anything in excess is bad for your health. So, ensure having not more than two bananas a day or consult your dietitian, who can help you alter your diet plan.

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