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Why are Malamutes so popular?Whats it like owning a Malamute?
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Some of the things that an earthworm might run across on his errands include bacteria and other parasites that are harmful to dogs. Parasite Problems While bacteria could cause stomach upset in you (...)
Parasites in dogs take many forms, but they all have one thing in common: sooner . Spirochetes can live in the bloodstream, as well as in the intestine, . All dogs can get intestinal parasites, but (...)
Are vomiting and diarrhea common side effects of deworming medications for dogs? Yes. It's not uncommon for your pup to experience some stomach upset after taking deworming medication as the dead w (...)
Dangerous Side Effects of Eating Too Many Bananas, According to Science You may gain weight. Your blood sugar will spike. You may develop hyperkalemia. You may experience tooth decay. You (...)
Malamutes also make great family pets and are good with children. Their large size and high energy means that they can overpower small children though, so they're best for households with kids over (...)