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How do kids get threadworms?

【Expert answer】
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You or your child can get threadworms by accidently swallowing worm eggs found on contaminated surfaces. This can happen by scratching the anal region and then touching your mouth or food.

How do you get threadworms in the first place?

Threadworm eggs can be transferred from your anus (or vagina) to anything you touch, including:1bed sheets and bed clothes.2flannels and towels.3children's toys.4kitchen utensils.5toothbrushes.6furniture.7kitchen or bathroom surfaces.Threadworms - Illnesses & conditions | NHS inform

How did my child get threadworms?

Threadworms spread when their eggs are swallowed. They lay eggs around your bottom (anus), which make it itchy. The eggs get stuck on your fingers when you scratch.

What foods cause threadworms?

Most of the tapeworms that affect humans come from eating undercooked animal products — particularly beef and pork — as well as contaminated fish that's raw or undercooked.

How do kids get pinworms initially?

How Do Kids Get Pinworms? Pinworms are very small — about as long as a staple. Their eggs get inside the body through the mouth after you touch something that's contaminated with pinworm eggs, then touch your hands to your mouth. After getting in your mouth, the eggs pass through the digestive system.

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