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Is 13 old for a greyhound?

【Expert answer】
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Definitely 13 is a senior dog. But I think longevity is different for every type dog. Check out your dog's breed online, and it should give you an idea of the expected life expectancy of the breed. Some breeds average life expentancy is 7 year old, this would be all the giant breeds, like great Danes.

What is considered old for greyhound?

Greyhounds age particularly fast due to their large body size, poor nutrition and sanitation during their formative years at the track, and from the extreme exertion placed on their bodies from years of racing. Therefore, a Greyhound is considered to be a “senior citizen” by approximately seven or eight years of age.

Is 13 a good age for a dog?

Physical and Mental Development A 13- to 15-year-old dog, depending on her size and health, is roughly equivalent to a 70- to 115-year-old person. In her elder years, it is harder for your dog to learn new things. In fact, she likely will be resistant to changes in her surroundings and routine.

Is 13 old for a large dog?

A small dog is considered a senior when it hits about 11 years old, a medium-sized dog at 10, and a large dog around eight. At these ages, your canine companion may slow down, gain weight, be forgetful, and experience a dulling of the senses.

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