No, salt is not recommended for dogs. Too much salt can cause vomiting, diarrhea, muscle tremors, incoordination, and seizures in dogs. Ensuring access to fresh drinking water reduces the risk of salt toxicity in dogs. 24 мая 2018 г.
Англи́йский бульдо́г — короткошёрстная порода собак типа мастифов. По способу использования стандарт относит породу к собакам-телохранителям и компаньонам. Современные английские бульдоги выведены (...)
Bananas keep your heart healthy too. The flesh is loaded with potassium, which helps lower blood pressure. Studies have shown people who load up on the mineral have up to a 27% lower risk of heart (...)
While they're both sizable dogs, the malamute is the larger of the two—by a lot. The American Kennel Association says the husky usually stands between 20 and 24 inches tall. Female huskies are usua (...)
Almonds: Dogs cannot properly digest the proteins present these (and many other nuts), and aflatoxins are poisonous substances found in crops and nuts, like almonds, pistachios, and Brazil nuts. Pe (...)
SIUC and SIUE are among the twenty colleges and universities offering classes for degree completion and continuing education through the University Center of Lake County in Grayslake and Waukegan. (...)