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Is it healthier to bake or fry fries?

【Expert answer】
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During frying, French fries soak up excess oil, making them greasy. The baking method used in this recipe allows you to control the amount of oil and use far, far less. Less Fat and Calories. Because of the decreased amount of oil, baked French fries calories and fat are lower than their fried counterparts.

Which is better for you fries or baked potato?

The Loaded Baked Potato Common sense dictates that a baked potato is healthier than a bunch of French fries. After all, fries are potatoes that have been submerged in boiling oil and coated with salt. But most chain restaurants don't offer plain baked potatoes.

Is frying or baking healthier?

There are many healthy cooking options besides baking or deep frying, but when given the choice, baking is much healthier. Other good-for-you options include foods that are steamed, pan fried with non-stick spray, roasted or grilled. If deep fried foods are a favorite, eat them as an occasional treat, not every day.

Is there a healthy way to eat french fries?

Stick with one serving, or share a restaurant serving with a couple of meal mates. Homemade “baked fries” using minimal olive or canola oil aren't French fries, but they're close… and much healthier.

Is it better to bake or pan fry?

Because ovens heat air, and air has no calories, baking in an oven does not add additional calories or fat to the foods you cook. This is why baking is a smarter option when working on controlling calorie, cholesterol or fat intake, as you are left only with the calories and fat from the foods in the pan.

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