d. Onions are loaded with cells so onions must be a living thing.
Are onions living cells?
Onion Cell An onion is a multicellular (consisting of many cells) plant organism.As in all plant cells, the cell of an onion peel consists of a cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus and a large vacuole.
Is a potato nonliving or living?
Explanation: Yes, the potato is a living organism; in fact it is root of the tree from which new potato plant develops. After the harvesting of potato, a potato is still alive and it is in a dormant state.
Are vegetables living or non-living?
The fruits and vegetables we buy in the grocery store are actually still alive, and it matters to them what time of day it is.
Is a banana living or nonliving?
A banana tree is of course a living organism (until it dies!). The fruit is a part of that organism until it is picked, at which point it does not become an autonomous living organism in its own right. However, in general fruits contain seeds, which are of course the things that become new trees.