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Is there Salmonella in bird feeders?

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Salmonella germs can spread between birds, to pets, and to people. You can get sick when you touch your mouth with unwashed hands after touching wild birds, bird feeders or bird baths, or your pets that have contact with wild birds. 28 мая 2021 г.

Can humans get sick from bird feeders?

People can get sick by touching their mouth or eyes after handling a bird feeder or a wild bird. If you have a bird feeder, the CDC recommends that you clean and disinfect it weekly with a bleach solution of nine parts water to one part bleach.

How do you prevent Salmonella in bird feeders?

How do I to prevent Salmonella at bird feeders?1Clean feeders several times a week. ... 2Rake underneath feeders or move feeders to a new location to reduce the build-up of bird droppings.3Clean birdbaths to prevent the buildup of bacteria and residue.How To Prevent Salmonella at Bird Feeders - Chirp Nature Center

What bird seed has Salmonella?

Officials in Oregon and Washington collected samples from sick or dead wild pine siskin birds. WGS analysis showed that the Salmonella from the pine siskins are closely related to bacteria from sick people.

What causes Salmonella in bird feeders?

Infected birds shed the bacteria in their feces, and if they are frequenting a bird feeder, the surface of the feeder or the food itself is likely to become contaminated with their feces. In this way, the feeder becomes a vector for the disease, spreading it to other birds.

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