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What is the most stubborn animal?

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Donkeys are one of the most stubborn animals in the world. They're known for being hard-headed and always wanting to do things their way. If you've ever tried to lead a donkey, you know that it's not an easy task. These animals are very independent and will only listen to what they want to hear. 17 дек. 2021 г.

Which animal Cannot be defeated?

Why tardigrades are so damn tough It's important to note: Tardigrades are basically indestructible only when they enter a special state called cryptobiosis. In harsh environments, the animals tuck in their legs and expel all moisture from their bodies. In this state, they're called tuns.

Why are donkeys considered stubborn?

When a donkey senses danger, his reaction is to freeze in place and assess the situation. In most cases, he won't move a single step until he figures out the safest action. This makes him appear stubborn, particularly if we don't see the danger or fail to realize that a harmless object has him worried.

Why are mules stubborn?

A mule gets its athletic ability from the horse and its intelligence from the donkey. Donkeys and mules have been labeled “stubborn” for centuries, but it is really only an abundance of common sense and a strong desire for self-preservation that might make them inclined to resist.

What animal is gentle but fierce?

The Dingoes' bark sounds like that of a smaller dog, but it has no tail or undercoat. Dingoes are usually shy but can be very aggressive when they feel threatened. They have been known to kill livestock and even people on occasion. ... 6. Dingo.Scientific NameCanis lupus dingoRangeAustraliaDietCarnivore

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