In terms of sustainability, bananas have a fairly low environmental impact. This is due to their low carbon footprint which is estimated at 0.48 kg CO2e per kilo.
Why are bananas bad for environment?
This lack of genetic variety makes plants highly susceptible to pests, fungi and diseases, and therefore large quantities of insecticides and other pesticides are applied to the crops. In fact, bananas are sprayed with more pesticides compared to other tropical fruit because of the fruit's thick peel.
What is the most environmentally friendly fruit?
If you're able to join a community garden, that's your best option. Some of the most eco-friendly fruits and vegetables include broccoli, onions, potatoes, oranges, and apples.
Are bananas bad for climate change?
In the primary production stage banana farming doesn't produce a large contribution to GHG emissions. In studies analyzing GHG emissions “from cradle to retail”, primary production contributed between 16% and 20% of the total amount of GHG emissions.
Is eating bananas unethical?
Bananas use more toxic agrochemicals per acre than any other crop in the world, which spells bad news for the environment, plantation workers, and the person who eventually eats them. Buying fruit that's certified organic guarantees that every party is protected from these toxic compounds.