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What is wrong with Lurchers?

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The main health concerns for Lurchers are gastric torsion, torn toenails, foot or muscle injuries and heatstroke or heat exhaustion. They may also be prone to osteosarcoma. Lurchers with herding breeds in their ancestry may be prone to eye problems. Autoimmune thyroiditis is common in many dog breeds.

Are Lurchers nasty?

Lurcher Temperament The Lurcher tends to retain the gentle, good-natured quality that you will find in most sighthound breeds, but are also typically fun-loving canines with a great deal of affection for their family.

What illnesses do Lurchers get?

The main health concerns for Lurchers are gastric torsion, torn toenails, foot or muscle injuries, and heatstroke or heat exhaustion. They may also be prone to osteosarcoma (bone cancer). Lurchers with herding breeds in their ancestry may be prone to eye problems. Hypothyroidism is common in many dog breeds.

Is a Lurcher a good family dog?

Nowadays, Lurchers are becoming very popular as they make exceptional family dogs. They are generally good with children, gentle, loving, very affectionate and loyal. We always have lots of lovely lurchers looking for homes.

Are Lurchers high maintenance?

When people think of greyhounds or lurchers, they conjure up images of super-fast, competitive dogs speeding off in pursuit of a small fluffy animal. So it's no surprise that we assume these types of dogs are high maintenance, aloof and need huge amounts of exercise.

What is it like to have a lurcher?

The Lurcher is a high energy intelligent dog and as such they need to be given the right amount of daily exercise and mental stimulation for them to be truly happy well-rounded dogs.

Are lurchers small dogs in the UK?

No they are among the most popular breeds in the UK A Lurcher can be the result of several crosses with some dogs being small thanks to their parent breeds being Bedlington Terriers and Whippet crosses whereas other Lurchers are a lot larger with their parent breeds being Deerhound and Wolfhound crosses

Is it OK to let a lurcher off the lead?

It’s advised not to let pet lurchers off the lead, unless it’s within a closed area that the dog can’t run out off. Otherwise, the chances that the dog instinctively takes off in pursuit of a perceived prey are very, very high.

Is the Lurcher the right dog for You?

The Lurcher is known to be a healthy and robust dog although there have been reports of them suffering from the following conditions which are worth knowing about if you are planning share your home with one of these active high energy dogs:

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